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Dog Picnic
Year: 2020
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 76 X 61 X 1 cm
Details: In this vivid depiction, the primary focus is on two central dachhunds. These dogs are positioned over a patch of grass, hinting at an interaction between them and the landscape. The background of the scene is composed of a landscape, with bold elements like a redish pink sky. A prominent feature in the foreground is a white blanket, adorned with white and blue sections. This landscape transitions through a palette of colors, with the sky changing from gold in the top left and bottom right corners to a mix of pink-purple on the top right and blue at the bottom. The entire scene is imbued with a yellow-green hue, lending an otherworldly atmosphere to the composition. This painting melds the natural with the fantastical, using color and form to create a contemplative space that invites the viewer to delve into its layered meanings.
Price: GBP 1400
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