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Year: 2024
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 122 X 122 X 3 cm
Details: Every moment of existence there is something delightful to play with
In a world of infinite possibilities everything that you can imagine is available
There is a field of energy and we have the language to access and use the power
The field recognises and reciprocates the language of the heart,
Think, feel, create a field of energy, spawn a vibration and attract that vibration
Everything that we want is because we think it will make us feel better
So start from feeling better,
Reach for the thoughts that make you feel better
It will be done unto you as you believe
Ask from the heart without judgement, just pure delight and happiness
Imagine and feel from the position of your desire already fulfilled
And so make the future moment now reality
Float down stream with the current flowing backwards into the future now
Connect to the stream where there is no resistance, no contradiction in the energy
Only allowance, approval, momentum, belief, love
Happiness is the path of least resistance
We come from source, are united with source and are leading edge source creators
Expanding what is by thoughts, feelings, manifestation
Infinite possibilities means it will never all be done
But everything will be, now, then, eventually
So reach for the thoughts that make the feelings better
Knowing that we are at a new arising every moment
With only mental burdens of past carried to inhabit the always new blank space
that can either be filled by whats past
or with the infinite possibilities of the new,
uninhibited, without resistance,
flowing with the stream,
effortless allowance,
And in every moment of existence
there is something delightful to play with.
GBP 3000